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Monthly Archives: April 2011

fireblureevent: ajax call

wait ajax redering the page


Selenium exception: element is undefined

avoid to read the same field twice


Assert.assertEquals(“expected  Windscreen Servicing got ” + leadpage.leadList.getEvent(0)   , “Windscreen Servicing” , leadpage.leadList.getEvent(0));


String event = leadpage.leadList.getEvent(0);

Assert.assertEquals(“expected  Windscreen Servicing got ” + event   , “Windscreen Servicing” ,event);

JPA “Where IN” clause

update Offer o SET o.hidden = true WHERE o.type= :test1 AND IN (:test2)

A collection with cascade=”all-delete-orphan” was no longer referenced by the owning entity instance

The logged exception

org.hibernate.HibernateException – “A collection with cascade=”all-delete-orphan” was no longer referenced by the owning entity instance: com.onkarjoshi.hibernate.test.Person.children”

Your likely problem

Looks like you have a Parent entity and a Child entity. The Parent has a collection of Child entities with cascade=”all-delete-orphan”.

You are setting a new collection via the setter thus leaving the original collection unreferenced by the Parent entity. This doesn’t fly well with Hibernate and leaves it confused about what to do.

parent.setChilden(new HashSet<Child>()); // This won’t work. Could be an ArrayList too.

parent.getChildren().clear(); // There, fixed that!

So generally speaking, just clear out the old collection, rather than dereferencing it and creating a new one.


OneToOne unidirectional mapping

public class ReportMetricCategory{

@JoinColumn(name="REF_ACCOUNT_ID", nullable = true)
private Account referenceAccount;

@Column(name = "CATEGORY_NAME",nullable = false, length = 127)
private String categoryName;


Add  account_id in report metric category table. we do nothing in account table.

Use “@JoinColumn” when mapping entity,  “@Column” for mapping normal property.

If test in Rich:column


<rich:dataTable id="reportList" var="rept" value="#{reportList}" renderedIfEmpty="false" preserveDataModel="false"
rowClasses=",alt" styleClass="" width="100%">
<rich:column styleClass="paddingleft12" headerClass="paddingleft12">
<f:facet name="header">Report Name</f:facet>
<ui:fragment rendered="#{rept.reportName!='Sales And Royalty'}">
<s:link id="view" action="#{reportListAction.selectReport}" value="#{rept.reportName}">


java test


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